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The European Health Data Space Proposal of the European Commission
Unleashing the full potential of health data through facilitating secondary use? On...
May 5, 2022
12 min read
The UPC Committees rule!
Start of the Provisional Application Phase and first committee meetings The Provisional...
April 7, 2022
12 min read
Gender Equality in the COVID-Impacted Workplace: A Global View, Bird & Bird & Sheppard Mullin Women in Healthcare Leadership Collaborative
Bird & Bird hosted a virtual event to discuss gender equality in the Covid-impacted workplace with...
April 1, 2022
1 min read
The Return of Biosimilar Substitution in France
Every year the Social Security Financing Law for 2022 (LFSS 2022) introduces several measures resulting...
March 28, 2022
3 min read
International Comparative Legal Guide to Digital Health 2022
Our Life Sciences IP, Regulatory and Data Protection experts Sally Shorthose, Toby Bond, Emma Drake and...
March 17, 2022
1 min read
France introduces a new R&D tax credit for collaborative research work
France has introduced a new research tax credit ("R&D tax credit") in the framework of collaborative...
January 27, 2022
3 min read
First medicinal cannabis drug listed on the Australian Pharmaceuticals Benefits Scheme
On 1 May 2021 Epidyolex, the first medicinal cannabis drug product was listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits...
May 6, 2021
1 min read
Illumina v MGI: Patents Court gives guidance on the skilled person, CGK, and insufficiency
In Illumina v Latvia MGI Tech (MGI) [2021] EWHC 57 (Pat), Birss J (as he...
March 26, 2021
9 min read
Introduction of the Narcotic Drugs Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2021
On the 3rd February 2021, the Narcotic Drugs Amendment (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2021 (Bill) was introduced...
March 2, 2021
1 min read
Managing Scientific Collaboration Agreements within the French Healthtech Sector
Scientific Collaboration Agreements allow a public servant, most of the time a researcher, (who...
November 9, 2020
5 min read