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Impact of Brexit on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
AI developments in the UK The UK is starting to uncover significant opportunities...
February 5, 2021
5 min read
Post-Transition Brexit: New MHRA Guidelines on Medicines
With a post-transition Brexit looming on the horizon, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory...
September 30, 2020
7 min read
A vaccine for COVID 19 –risks and liabilities in international perspective
As the development of vaccines against COVID-19 is progressing, the question becomes urgent who will...
September 8, 2020
17 min read
COVID-19: Our series of regulatory legislation trackers for the Life Sciences & Healthcare industry
COVID-19 presents an unprecedented challenge to the global life sciences industry.  Members...
July 30, 2020
1 min read
Increased Leeway for Cooperation between Pharma and Medical Equipment Companies during the Covid-19 Crisis
Competition rules are aimed at safeguarding healthy competition between companies. For more than half...
April 9, 2020
7 min read
German Constitutional Court declares the vote on the ratification act of the UPC Agreement unconstitutional because of a lack of the required quorum
Today the German Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) ruled that the German ratification...
March 20, 2020
5 min read
Blockchain in the Life Sciences & Healthcare Sectors
Blockchain is perhaps best known as the technology on which Bitcoin and other digital cryptocurrencies...
February 25, 2020
13 min read
SPCs For Second Medical Use Products – Is There an End in Sight?
Over the years, pharmaceutical companies have obtained Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs) for...
February 24, 2020
6 min read
Badmouthing Your Competitor’s Products: When Does Denigration Become an Antitrust Issue?
Over the past decade, different competition authorities across Europe have begun to identify and pursue...
February 20, 2020
25 min read
Changes in the Polish Industrial Law concerning Patents
Recent changes to the Polish Industrial Law concerning patents (enacted in October 2019), are due to...
February 13, 2020
4 min read